Luckily, support for hwloc in Grid Scheduler is in the final stages of development.
Download loadcheck: hwloc enabled loadcheck and the 32-bit version.
Download package: 64-bit package for AMD64 & Intel64
Download package: 64-bit package for AMD64 & Intel64
Install instructions:
$ ./loadcheck arch lx26-amd64 num_proc 4 m_socket 1 m_core 2 m_topology SCTTCTT load_short 0.02 load_medium 0.05 load_long 0.08 mem_free 2702.710938M swap_free 5823.996094M virtual_free 8526.707031M mem_total 3760.742188M swap_total 5823.996094M virtual_total 9584.738281M mem_used 1058.031250M swap_used 0.000000M virtual_used 1058.031250M cpu 4.6% $ ./loadcheck -cb Your SGE Linux version has built-in core binding functionality! Your Linux kernel version is: 2.6.34 Amount of sockets: 1 Amount of cores: 2 Topology: SCTTCTT Mapping of logical socket and core numbers to internal Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 0: 0 1 Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 1: 2 3
$ ./loadcheck arch lx26-amd64 num_proc 4 m_socket 1 m_core 2 m_topology SCTTCTT load_short 0.65 load_medium 0.24 load_long 0.08 mem_free 3573.882812M swap_free 5823.992188M virtual_free 9397.875000M mem_total 3753.984375M swap_total 5823.992188M virtual_total 9577.976562M mem_used 180.101562M swap_used 0.000000M virtual_used 180.101562M cpu 0.0% $ ./loadcheck -cb Your SGE Linux version has built-in core binding functionality! Your kernel version is: 2.6.32-100.26.2.el5 Amount of sockets: 1 Amount of cores: 2 Topology: SCTTCTT Mapping of logical socket and core numbers to internal Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 0: 0 1 Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 1: 2 3
$ ./loadcheck arch lx26-amd64 num_proc 2 m_socket 1 m_core 2 m_topology SCC load_short 0.58 load_medium 0.54 load_long 0.42 mem_free 3197.449219M swap_free 5823.996094M virtual_free 9021.445312M mem_total 3825.371094M swap_total 5823.996094M virtual_total 9649.367188M mem_used 627.921875M swap_used 0.000000M virtual_used 627.921875M cpu 99.2% $ ./loadcheck -cb Your SGE Linux version has built-in core binding functionality! Your Linux kernel version is: 2.6.34 Amount of sockets: 1 Amount of cores: 2 Topology: SCC Mapping of logical socket and core numbers to internal Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 0: 0 Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 1: 1
> ./loadcheck arch lx26-x86 num_proc 1 m_socket 1 m_core 1 m_topology SC load_short 1.90 load_medium 1.86 load_long 1.56 mem_free 117.066406M swap_free 685.953125M virtual_free 803.019531M mem_total 247.605469M swap_total 729.503906M virtual_total 977.109375M mem_used 130.539062M swap_used 43.550781M virtual_used 174.089844M cpu 100.0% > ./loadcheck -cb Your SGE Linux version has built-in core binding functionality! Your Linux kernel version is: 2.6.27-17-generic Amount of sockets: 1 Amount of cores: 1 Topology: SC Mapping of logical socket and core numbers to internal Internal processor ids for socket 0 core 0: 0See also: Optimizing Grid Engine for AMD Bulldozer Systems