qmod - modify a Sun Grid Engine queue and running job

     qmod [ options ] [ wc_job_range_list | wc_queue_list ]

     Qmod enables users classified as owners  (see  queue_conf(5)
     for  details)  of  a  workstation to modify the state of Sun
     Grid Engine queues for his/her machine as well as the  state
     of his/her own jobs.  A manager/operator or root can execute
     qmod for any queue and job in a cluster but only from admin-
     istrative  hosts.   Find  additional  information concerning
     wc_queue_list and wc_job_list in sge_types(1).

     -c   Note: Deprecated, may be  removed  in  future  release.
          Please use the -cj or -cq switch instead.
          Clears   the   error    state    of    the    specified

     -cj  Clears the error state of the specified jobs(s).

     -cq  Clears the error state of the specified queue(s).

     -d   Disables  the  queue(s),  i.e.  no  further  jobs   are
          dispatched  to  disabled queues while jobs already exe-
          cuting in these queues are allowed to finish.

     -e   Enables the queue(s).

     -f   Force the modification action for the queue despite the
          apparent  current  state of the queue. For example if a
          queue appears to be suspended  but  the  job  execution
          seems to be continuing the manager/operator can force a
          suspend operation which will  send  a  SIGSTOP  to  the
          jobs.  In any case, the queue or job status will be set
          even if the sge_execd(8)  controlling  the  queues/jobs
          cannot    be    reached.    Requires   manager/operator

          Prints a listing of all options.

     -r   Note: Deprecated, may be  removed  in  future  release.
          Please use the -rj or -rq switch instead.
          If applied to queues, reschedules  all  jobs  currently
          running  in  this  queue.   If applied to running jobs,
          reschedules  the  jobs.  Requires   root   or   manager
          privileges.   In  order for a job to be rescheduled, it
          or the queue in which it is  executing  must  have  the
          rerun  flag  activated.   (See -r option in the qsub(1)
          man page and the rerun option in the queue_conf(5)  man
          page  for  more  information.)  Additional restrictions
          apply for parallel and checkpointing  jobs.   (See  the
          reschedule_unknown  description  in the sge_conf(5) man
          page for details).

     -rj  If applied  to  running  jobs,  reschedules  the  jobs.
          Requires root or manager privileges.

     -rq  If applied to queues, reschedules  all  jobs  currently
          running  in  this  queue.   Requires  root  or  manager

     -s   Note: Deprecated, may be  removed  in  future  release.
          Please use the -sj or -sq switch instead.
          If applied to queues, suspends the queues and any  jobs
          which  might  be  active.  If  applied to running jobs,
          suspends the jobs.

     -sj  If applied to running jobs, suspends the jobs. If a job
          is  both suspended explicitly and via suspension of its
          queue, a following unsuspend  of  the  queue  will  not
          release the suspension state on the job.

     -sq  If applied to queues, suspends the queues and any  jobs
          which might be active.

     -us  Note: Deprecated, may be  removed  in  future  release.
          Please use the -usj or -usq switch instead.
          If applied to queues, unsuspends  the  queues  and  any
          jobs  which  might  be  active.  If  applied  to  jobs,
          unsuspends the jobs.

     -usj If applied to jobs, unsuspends the jobs. If  a  job  is
          both  suspended  explicitly  and  via suspension of its
          queue, a following unsuspend  of  the  queue  will  not
          release the suspension state on the job.

     -usq If applied to queues, unsuspends  the  queues  and  any
          jobs which might be active.

     SGE_ROOT       Specifies the location of the Sun Grid Engine
                    standard configuration files.

     SGE_CELL       If set, specifies the default Sun Grid Engine
                    cell.  To address a Sun Grid Engine cell qmod
                    uses (in the order of precedence):

                         The name of the cell  specified  in  the
                         environment  variable SGE_CELL, if it is
                         The  name  of  the  default  cell,  i.e.

                    If  set,  specifies  that  debug  information
                    should  be written to stderr. In addition the
                    level of detail in which debug information is
                    generated is defined.

                    If set,  specifies  the  tcp  port  on  which
                    sge_qmaster(8) is expected to listen for com-
                    munication requests.  Most installations will
                    use  a  services  map  entry  for the service
                    "sge_qmaster" instead to define that port.

                     Sun Grid Engine master host file

     sge_intro(1),    sge_ckpt(1),    qstat(1),    queue_conf(5),
     sge_execd(8), sge_types(1).

     See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and  permis-

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