qstat - show the status of Sun Grid Engine jobs and queues

     qstat [ -ext ] [ -cb ] [ -f ] [ -F [resource_name,...]  ]  [
     -g   {c|d|t}[+]  ]  [  -help  ]  [  -j  [job_list]  ]  [  -l
     resource=val,... ] [ -ne ] [ -pe pe_name,... ] [ -pri ] [ -q
     wc_queue_list  ] [ -qs {a|c|d|o|s|u|A|C|D|E|S} ] [ -r ] [ -s
     {r|p|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hd|hj|ha|h|a}[+] ] [ -t ] [ -U user,...  ]
     [ -u user,... ] [ -urg ] [ -xml ]

     qstat shows the current status of  the  available  Sun  Grid
     Engine  queues  and  the  jobs  associated  with the queues.
     Selection  options  allow  you  to  get  information   about
     specific  jobs, queues or users.  If multiple selections are
     done a queue is only displayed if all selection criteria for
     a  queue  instance  are  met.  Without any option qstat will
     display only a list of jobs with no  queue  status  informa-

     The  administrator  and  the  user  may  define  files  (see
     sge_qstat(5)),   which   can  contain  any  of  the  options
     described  below.  A  cluster-wide  sge_qstat  file  may  be
     placed  under  $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sge_qstat The user
     private  file is searched at the location  $HOME/.sge_qstat.
     The  home  directory request file has the highest precedence
     over the cluster global file.  Command line can be  used  to
     override the flags contained in the files.

     -cb  In combination with -cb the output of this command will
          additionally  contain  the  information  of a requested
          binding and the changes that have been applied  to  the
          topology  string (real binding) for the host where this
          job is running. This additional information will appear
          in combination with the parameters -r and -j.

          Please note that  this  command  line  switch  will  be
          removed with the next major release.

     -explain a|A|c|E
          'c' displays the reason for the c(onfiguration  ambigu-
          ous)  state  of  a queue instance. 'a' shows the reason
          for the alarm state. Suspend alarm state  reasons  will
          be  displayed  by  'A'.  'E'  displays the reason for a
          queue instance error state.

          The output format for the alarm reasons is one line per
          reason containing the resource value and threshold. For
          details about the resource value please  refer  to  the
          description  of  the  Full  Format  in  section  OUTPUT
          FORMATS below.

     -ext Displays additional information for each job related to
          the  job  ticket  policy  scheme  (see  OUTPUT  FORMATS

     -f   Specifies a "full" format display of information.   The
          -f  option  causes summary information on all queues to
          be displayed along with the queued job list.

     -F [ resource_name,... ]
          Like in the case of -f information is displayed on  all
          jobs as well as queues. In addition, qstat will present
          a detailed listing of the current resource availability
          per  queue with respect to all resources (if the option
          argument is omitted) or with respect to those resources
          contained  in  the  resource_name list. Please refer to
          the description of the Full Format  in  section  OUTPUT
          FORMATS below for further detail.

     -g {c|d|t}[+]
          The  -g  option  allows  for  controlling  grouping  of
          displayed objects.

          With -g c a cluster queue summary  is  displayed.  Find
          more information in the section OUTPUT FORMATS.

          With -g d array jobs are displayed verbosely in  a  one
          line  per  job task fashion. By default, array jobs are
          grouped and all tasks with the same status (for pending
          tasks  only)  are displayed in a single line. The array
          job task id range field in the output (see section OUT-
          PUT FORMATS) specifies the corresponding set of tasks.

          With -g t parallel jobs are displayed  verbosely  in  a
          one  line  per  parallel job task fashion. By  default,
          parallel job tasks are displayed in a single line. Also
          with  -g t option the function of each parallel task is
          displayed rather than the jobs slot amount (see section
          OUTPUT FORMATS).

          Prints a listing of all options.

     -j [job_list]
          Prints either for all pending jobs  or  the  jobs  con-
          tained  in  job_list  various information. The job_list
          can contain job_ids, job_names, or wildcard  expression

          For  jobs  in  E(rror)  state  the  error   reason   is
          displayed. For jobs that could not be dispatched during
          in the  last  scheduling  interval  the  obstacles  are
          shown, if 'schedd_job_info' in sched_conf(5) is config-
          ured accordingly.

          For running  jobs  available  information  on  resource
          utilization   is  shown  about  consumed  cpu  time  in
          seconds,  integral  memory  usage  in  Gbytes  seconds,
          amount  of  data  transferred in io operations, current
          virtual memory utilization in Mbytes, and maximum  vir-
          tual  memory utilization in Mbytes. This information is
          not available if resource utilization retrieval is  not
          supported for the OS platform where the job is hosted.

          In combination with -cp the output of this command will
          additionally  contain  the  information  of a requested
          binding (see -binding of qsub(1)) and the changes  that
          have been applied to the topology string (real binding)
          for the host where this job is running.

          The topology string will contain  capital  letters  for
          all  those  cores  that were not bound to the displayed
          job.  Bound  cores  will  be   shown   lowercase   (E.g
          "SCCcCSCCcC"  means  that  core  2 on the two available
          sockets where bound to this job).

          Please        refer         to         the         file
          <sge_root>/doc/load_parameters.asc  for detailed infor-
          mation on the standard set of load values.

     -l resource[=value],...
          Defines the resources required by the jobs  or  granted
          by the queues on which information is requested. Match-
          ing  is  performed  on  queues  based  on   non-mutable
          resource availability information only. That means load
          values are always ignored except the  so-called  static
          load  values  (i.e.  "arch",  "num_proc",  "mem_total",
          "swap_total" and "virtual_total"). Consumable  utiliza-
          tion  is also ignored.  The pending jobs are restricted
          to jobs that might run in one of the above queues. In a
          similar  fashion also the queue-job matching bases only
          on non-mutable resource availability  information.   If
          there  are  multiple  -l resource requests they will be
          concatenated by a logical AND: a queue needs  to  match
          all resources to be displayed.

     -ne  In  combination  with  -f  the  option  suppresses  the
          display  of  empty  queues. This means all queues where
          actually no jobs are running are not displayed.

     -pe pe_name,...
          Displays status  information  with  respect  to  queues
          which  are  attached  to  at  least one of the parallel
          environments enlisted in  the  comma  separated  option
          argument.  Status  information  for  jobs  is displayed
          either for those which execute in one of  the  selected
          queues  or which are pending and might get scheduled to
          those queues in principle.

     -pri Displays additional information for each job related to
          the  job  priorities  in  general.  (see OUTPUT FORMATS

     -q wc_queue_list
          Specifies a wildcard expression queue list to which job
          information  is to be displayed. Find the definition of
          wc_queue_list in sge_types(1).

     -qs {a|c|d|o|s|u|A|C|D|E|S}
          Allows for the filtering of queue  instances  according
          to state.

     -r   Prints extended information about the resource require-
          ments of the displayed jobs.

          In combination with -cb the output of this command will
          contain additional information concerning the requested
          binding for a job.  (see -binding of qsub(1)).

          Please refer to the OUTPUT FORMATS sub-section Expanded
          Format below for detailed information.

     -s {p|r|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hd|hj|ha|h|a}[+]

          Prints only jobs in the specified state,  any  combina-
          tion  of  states is possible. -s prs corresponds to the
          regular  qstat  output  without  -s  at  all.  To  show
          recently  finished  jobs, use -s z.  To display jobs in
          user/operator/system/array-dependency hold, use the  -s
          hu/ho/hs/hd  option.  The -s ha option shows jobs which
          where submitted with the qsub -a command. qstat  -s  hj
          displays  all jobs which are not eligible for execution
          unless the job has entries in the job dependency  list.
          qstat -s h is an abbreviation for qstat -s huhohshdhjha
          and qstat -s a is an abbreviation for qstat -s psr (see
          -a, -hold_jid and -hold_jid_ad options to qsub(1)).

     -t   Prints extended information about the  controlled  sub-
          tasks  of  the displayed parallel jobs. Please refer to
          the OUTPUT FORMATS sub-section Reduced Format below for
          detailed information. Sub-tasks of parallel jobs should
          not be confused with array job  tasks  (see  -g  option
          above and -t option to qsub(1)).

     -U user,...
          Displays status information with respect to  queues  to
          which  the specified users have access. Status informa-
          tion for jobs is displayed either for those which  exe-
          cute in one of the selected queues or which are pending
          and might get scheduled to those queues in principle.

     -u user,...
          Display information only on those jobs and queues being
          associated  with  the  users  from the given user list.
          Queue status information is displayed if the -f  or  -F
          options are specified additionally and if the user runs
          jobs in those queues.

          The string  $user is  a  placeholder  for  the  current
          username. An asterisk "*" can be used as username wild-
          card to request  any  users'  jobs  be  displayed.  The
          default value for this switch is -u $user.

     -urg Displays additional information for each job related to
          the  job  urgency  policy  scheme  (see  OUTPUT FORMATS

     -xml This option can be used  with  all  other  options  and
          changes  the output to XML. The used schemas are refer-
          enced in the XML  output.  The  output  is  printed  to
          stdout.  For more detailed information, the schemas for
          the    qstat    command     can     be     found     in

          If the -xml parameter is combined with -cb then the XML
          output will contain additional tags containing informa-
          tion about job to core  binding.   You  can  also  find
          schema  files  with  the  suffix "_cb" in the directory
          $SGE_ROOT/util/resources/schemas/qstat  that   describe
          that changes.

     Depending on the presence or absence of  the  -explain,  -f,
     -F, or -qs and -r and -t option three output formats need to
     be differentiated.

     The -ext and -urg options may be used to display  additional
     information for each job.

  Cluster Queue Format (with -g c)
     Following the header line a section for each  cluster  queue
     is  provided. When queue instances selection are applied (-l
     -pe, -q, -U) the cluster format contains only cluster queues
     of the corresponding queue instances.

     o  the cluster queue name.

     o  an average of the normalized load average  of  all  queue
        hosts.  In order to reflect each hosts different signifi-
        cance the number of configured slots is used as a weight-
        ing  factor  when  determining cluster queue load. Please
        note that only hosts with a np_load_value are  considered
        for this value. When queue selection is applied only data
        about selected queues is considered in this  formula.  If
        the  load  value  is not available at any of the hosts '-
        NA-' is printed instead of the  value  from  the  complex
        attribute definition.

     o  the number of currently used slots.

     o  the number of slots reserved in advance.

     o  the number of currently available slots.

     o  the total number of slots.

     o  the number of slots which is  in  at  least  one  of  the
        states  'aoACDS' and in none of the states 'cdsuE'

     o  the number of slots which are in one of these  states  or
        in any  combination of them: 'cdsuE'

     o  the -g c option can be used in combination with -ext.  In
        this  case,  additional  columns are added to the output.
        Each column contains the slot count for one of the avail-
        able queue states.

  Reduced Format (without -f, -F, and -qs)
     Following the header line a line is  printed  for  each  job
     consisting of

     o  the job ID.

     o  the priority of the job determining its position  in  the
        pending  jobs  list.   The  priority  value is determined
        dynamically based on ticket  and  urgency  policy  set-up
        (see also sge_priority(5) ).

     o  the name of the job.

     o  the user name of the job owner.

     o  the status of the  job  -  one  of  d(eletion),  E(rror),
        h(old), r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended),
        t(ransfering), T(hreshold) or w(aiting).

        The state d(eletion) indicates that a  qdel(1)  has  been
        used  to  initiate job deletion. The states t(ransfering)
        and r(unning) indicate that a job is about to be executed
        or  is already executing, whereas the states s(uspended),
        S(uspended) and T(hreshold) show that an already  running
        jobs  has been suspended. The s(uspended) state is caused
        by suspending  the  job  via  the  qmod(1)  command,  the
        S(uspended) state indicates that the queue containing the
        job is suspended and therefore the job is also  suspended
        and the T(hreshold) state shows that at least one suspend
        threshold of the corresponding queue  was  exceeded  (see
        queue_conf(5))  and  that the job has been suspended as a
        consequence. The state R(estarted) indicates that the job
        was  restarted.  This can be caused by a job migration or
        because of one of the reasons described in the -r section
        of the qsub(1) command.

        The states w(aiting) and h(old) only appear  for  pending
        jobs.  The h(old) state indicates that a job currently is
        not eligible for execution due to a hold  state  assigned
        to it via qhold(1), qalter(1) or the qsub(1) -h option or
        that the job is waiting for completion  of  the  jobs  to
        which  job dependencies have been assigned to the job via
        the -hold_jid  or  -hold_jid-ad  options  of  qsub(1)  or

        The state E(rror) appears for pending jobs that  couldn't
        be  started due to job properties. The reason for the job
        error is shown by the qstat(1) -j job_list option.

     o  the submission or start time and date of the job.

     o  the  queue  the  job  is  assigned  to  (for  running  or
        suspended jobs only).

     o  the number of job slots or the function of  parallel  job
        tasks if -g t is specified.

        Without -g t option the total number  of  slots  occupied
        resp.  requested  by  the  job  is displayed. For pending
        parallel jobs with a PE slot range request,  the  assumed
        future  slot  allocation  is displayed.  With -g t option
        the function of the running jobs (MASTER or SLAVE  -  the
        latter for parallel jobs only) is displayed.

     o  the array job task id. Will be empty for non-array  jobs.
        See  the  -t option to qsub(1) and the -g above for addi-
        tional information.

     If the -t option is supplied, each status line  always  con-
     tains  parallel  job task information as if -g t were speci-
     fied and each line contains the following parallel job  sub-
     task information:
     o  the parallel task ID (do not confuse parallel tasks  with
        array job tasks),

     o  the status of the  parallel  task  -  one  of  r(unning),
        R(estarted),   s(uspended),   S(uspended),   T(hreshold),
        w(aiting), h(old), or x(exited).

     o  the cpu, memory, and I/O usage,

     o  the exit status of the parallel task,

     o  and the failure code and message for the parallel task.

  Full Format (with -f and -F)
     Following the header line a section for each queue separated
     by  a horizontal line is provided. For each queue the infor-
     mation printed consists of

     o  the queue name,

     o  the  queue  type  -  one   of   B(atch),   I(nteractive),
        C(heckpointing),  P(arallel),  T(ransfer) or combinations
        thereof or N(one),

     o  the number of used and available job slots,

     o  the load average of the queue host,

     o  the architecture of the queue host and

     o  the state  of  the  queue  -  one  of  u(nknown)  if  the
        corresponding  sge_execd(8) cannot be contacted, a(larm),
        A(larm),     C(alendar      suspended),      s(uspended),
        S(ubordinate),  d(isabled), D(isabled), E(rror) or combi-
        nations thereof.

     If the state is a(larm) at least on of the  load  thresholds
     defined  in the load_thresholds list of the queue configura-
     tion  (see  queue_conf(5))  is  currently  exceeded,   which
     prevents from scheduling further jobs to that queue.

     As opposed to this, the  state  A(larm)  indicates  that  at
     least  one  of  the  suspend  thresholds  of  the queue (see
     queue_conf(5)) is currently exceeded. This  will  result  in
     jobs  running  in  that  queue  being successively suspended
     until no threshold is violated.

     The states s(uspended) and d(isabled)  can  be  assigned  to
     queues  and  released  via the qmod(1) command. Suspending a
     queue will cause all jobs executing  in  that  queue  to  be

     The states D(isabled) and C(alendar suspended) indicate that
     the  queue  has been disabled or suspended automatically via
     the   calendar   facility   of   Sun   Grid   Engine    (see
     calendar_conf(5)),  while the S(ubordinate) state indicates,
     that the queue has been suspend via subordination to another
     queue  (see  queue_conf(5)  for  details). When suspending a
     queue (regardless of the cause) all jobs executing  in  that
     queue are suspended too.

     If an E(rror) state is displayed for a  queue,  sge_execd(8)
     on  that  host was unable to locate the sge_shepherd(8) exe-
     cutable on that host in order to start a job.  Please  check
     the  error  logfile of that sge_execd(8) for leads on how to
     resolve the problem. Please enable the queue afterwards  via
     the -c option of the qmod(1) command manually.

     If the c(onfiguration ambiguous) state is  displayed  for  a
     queue  instance this indicates that the configuration speci-
     fied for this queue instance in  sge_conf(5)  is  ambiguous.
     This state is cleared when the configuration becomes unambi-
     guous again. This state prevents  further  jobs  from  being
     scheduled  to  that  queue  instance. Detailed reasons why a
     queue instance entered the c(onfiguration  ambiguous)  state
     can  be  found  in  the sge_qmaster(8) messages file and are
     shown by the qstat -explain switch. For queue  instances  in
     this state the cluster queue's default settings are used for
     the ambiguous attribute.

     If an o(rphaned) state is displayed for a queue instance, it
     indicates  that  the queue instance is no longer demanded by
     the current cluster queue's configuration or the host  group
     configuration.   The  queue  instance  is  kept because jobs
     which not yet finished jobs are still  associated  with  it,
     and  it  will  vanish from qstat output when these jobs have
     finished. To quicken vanishing of an orphaned queue instance
     associated  job(s)  can  be  deleted using qdel(1).  A queue
     instance in (o)rphaned state can be revived by changing  the
     cluster  queue configuration accordingly to cover that queue
     instance. This state prevents from scheduling  further  jobs
     to that queue instance.

     If the -F option was used, resource availability information
     is  printed  following  the  queue  status  line.  For  each
     resource (as selected in an option argument to -F or for all
     resources  if the option argument was omitted) a single line
     is displayed with the following format:

     o  a one letter specifier  indicating  whether  the  current
        resource availability value was dominated by either
        `g' - a cluster global,
        `h' - a host total or
        `q' - a queue related resource consumption.

     o  a second one letter specifier indicating the  source  for
        the current resource availability value, being one of
        `l' - a load value reported for the resource,
        `L' - a load value for the resource  after  administrator
        defined load scaling has been applied,
        `c' - availability derived from the consumable  resources
        facility (see complexes(5)),
        `f' - a fixed  availability  definition  derived  from  a
        non-consumable  complex  attribute  or  a  fixed resource

     o  after a colon the name of the resource on which  informa-
        tion is displayed.

     o  after an equal sign  the  current  resource  availability

     The displayed availability values and the sources from which
     they  derive  are  always the minimum values of all possible
     combinations.  Hence,  for  example,  a  line  of  the  form
     "qf:h_vmem=4G"  indicates  that a queue currently has a max-
     imum availability in virtual memory  of  4  Gigabyte,  where
     this  value  is  a fixed value (e.g. a resource limit in the
     queue configuration) and it is  queue  dominated,  i.e.  the
     host  in  total  may have more virtual memory available than
     this, but the queue doesn't allow  for  more.  Contrarily  a
     line  "hl:h_vmem=4G" would also indicate an upper bound of 4
     Gigabyte virtual memory availability, but the limit would be
     derived  from  a load value currently reported for the host.
     So while the queue might allow for jobs with higher  virtual
     memory requirements, the host on which this particular queue
     resides currently only has 4 Gigabyte available.

     If the -explain option was used with the  character  'a'  or
     'A',  information about resources is displayed, that violate
     load or suspend thresholds.
     The same format as with the -F option is used with following

     o  the line starts with the keyword `alarm'

     o  appended to the resource value is the type and  value  of
        the appropriate threshold

     After the queue status line (in case of -f) or the  resource
     availability  information  (in  case of -F) a single line is
     printed for each job running currently in this  queue.  Each
     job status line contains

     o  the job ID,

     o  the priority of the job determining its position  in  the
        pending  jobs  list.   The  priority  value is determined
        dynamically based on ticket  and  urgency  policy  set-up
        (see also sge_priority(5) ).

     o  the job name,

     o  the job owner name,

     o  the status of the job - one of t(ransfering),  r(unning),
        R(estarted), s(uspended), S(uspended) or T(hreshold) (see
        the Reduced Format section for detailed information),

     o  the submission or start time and date of the job.

     o  the number of job slots or the function of  parallel  job
        tasks if -g t is specified.

        Without -g t option the  number  of  slots  occupied  per
        queue  resp. requested by the job is displayed. For pend-
        ing parallel jobs with  a  PE  slot  range  request,  the
        assumed  future  slot allocation is displayed.  With -g t
        option the function of the running jobs (MASTER or  SLAVE
        - the latter for parallel jobs only) is displayed.

     If the -t option is supplied, each job status line also con-

     o  the task ID,

     o  the status of the task - one of  r(unning),  R(estarted),
        s(uspended), S(uspended), T(hreshold), w(aiting), h(old),
        or x(exited) (see the Reduced Format section for detailed

     o  the cpu, memory, and I/O usage,

     o  the exit status of the task,

     o  and the failure code and message for the task.

     Following the list of queue sections a PENDING JOBS list may
     be  printed in case jobs are waiting for being assigned to a
     queue.  A status line for  each  waiting  job  is  displayed
     being  similar  to the one for the running jobs. The differ-
     ences are that the status  for  the  jobs  is  w(aiting)  or
     h(old),  that  the  submit time and date is shown instead of
     the start time and that no function  is  displayed  for  the

     In very rare cases, e.g. if sge_qmaster(8) starts up from an
     inconsistent state in the job or queue spool files or if the
     clean queue (-cq) option of qconf(1) is used,  qstat  cannot
     assign jobs to either the running or pending jobs section of
     the output. In this case as job status inconsistency (e.g. a
     job has a running status but is not assigned to a queue) has
     been detected. Such jobs are printed in an ERROR  JOBS  sec-
     tion  at  the very end of the output. The ERROR JOBS section
     should disappear upon  restart  of  sge_qmaster(8).   Please
     contact  your  Sun Grid Engine support representative if you
     feel uncertain about the cause or effects of such jobs.

  Expanded Format (with -r)
     If the -r option was specified together with qstat, the fol-
     lowing information for each displayed job is printed (a sin-
     gle line for each of the following job characteristics):

     o  The job and master queue name.

     o  The hard and soft resource requirements  of  the  job  as
        specified  with  the  qsub(1) -l option. The per resource
        addend when determining  the  jobs  urgency  contribution
        value is printed (see also sge_priority(5)).

     o  The requested parallel environment including the  desired
        queue slot range (see -pe option of qsub(1)).

     o  The requested checkpointing environment of the  job  (see
        the qsub(1) -ckpt option).

     o  In case of running jobs, the granted parallel environment
        with the granted number of queue slots.

     o  If -cb was specified the requested  job  binding  parame-

  Enhanced Output (with -ext)
     For each job the following additional items are displayed:

          The total number of tickets in normalized fashion.

          The project to which the job is assigned  as  specified
          in the qsub(1) -P option.

          The department, to which the user belongs (use the -sul
          and  -su  options  of  qconf(1)  to display the current
          department definitions).

     cpu  The  current  accumulated  CPU  usage  of  the  job  in

     mem  The current accumulated memory  usage  of  the  job  in
          Gbytes seconds.

     io   The current accumulated IO usage of the job.

          The  total  number  of  tickets  assigned  to  the  job

          The override tickets as assigned by the -ot  option  of

          The override portion of the  total  number  of  tickets
          assigned to the job currently

          The functional portion of the total number  of  tickets
          assigned to the job currently

          The share  portion  of  the  total  number  of  tickets
          assigned to the job currently

          The share of the total system to which the job is enti-
          tled currently.

  Enhanced Output (with -urg)
     For each job the following additional urgency policy related
     items are displayed (see also sge_priority(5)):

     nurg The jobs total urgency value in normalized fashion.

     urg  The jobs total urgency value.

          The  urgency  value  contribution  that  reflects   the
          urgency  that  is  related to the jobs overall resource

          The  urgency  value  contribution  that  reflects   the
          urgency related to the jobs waiting time.

          The  urgency  value  contribution  that  reflects   the
          urgency related to the jobs deadline initiation time.

          The deadline initiation time of the  job  as  specified
          with the qsub(1) -dl option.

  Enhanced Output (with -pri)
     For each job, the following additional job priority  related
     items are displayed (see also sge_priority(5)):

     nurg The job's total urgency value in normalized fashion.

          The job's -p priority in normalized fashion.

          The job's ticket amount in normalized fashion.

     ppri The job's -p priority as specified by the user.

     SGE_ROOT       Specifies the location of the Sun Grid Engine
                    standard configuration files.

     SGE_CELL       If set, specifies the default Sun Grid Engine
                    cell. To address a Sun Grid Engine cell qstat
                    uses (in the order of precedence):

                         The name of the cell  specified  in  the
                         environment  variable SGE_CELL, if it is

                         The  name  of  the  default  cell,  i.e.

                    If  set,  specifies  that  debug  information
                    should  be written to stderr. In addition the
                    level of detail in which debug information is
                    generated is defined.

                    If set,  specifies  the  tcp  port  on  which
                    sge_qmaster(8) is expected to listen for com-
                    munication requests.  Most installations will
                    use  a  services  map  entry  for the service
                    "sge_qmaster" instead to define that port.

                    Qstat does display queue names up to 30 char-
                    acters. If that is to much or not enough, one
                    can set a custom length with  this  variable.
                    The  minimum display length is 10 characters.
                    If one does not know the best display length,
                    one  can  set SGE_LONG_QNAMES to -1 and qstat
                    will figure out the best length.

                     Sun Grid Engine master host file
                     cluster qstat default options
                     user qstat default options

     sge_intro(1),  qalter(1),  qconf(1),   qhold(1),   qhost(1),
     qmod(1),      qsub(1),      queue_conf(5),     sge_execd(8),
     sge_qmaster(8), sge_shepherd(8).

     See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and  permis-

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